Secure your brand name without any hassle. Get it with Senixa at INR 6199/- only.


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What is Trademark Registration?

A Trademark can be defined as a unique identity, legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product which uniquely stand out among the rest. Unique identity may be a logo, photograph, slogan, word, sound, smell, color combination, or graphics. Usually, businesses look for the trademark of logo or name only. According to the Indian laws, Trademark is an asset for the proprietor and this must be protected by Trademark Registration.
In India, you can register trademarks by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Government of India. You can register the trademark under the act named, The Trademark Act, 1999. The registration provides the right to sue against others who try to copy your trademark. Also, no one else can use a similar trademark to the one registered by another person. Once you register a trademark, you can use an R symbol along with it, and it will be valid till 10 years from the date of registration. You can easily get a ™ within 3 days. But, to get an ®, it takes up to 2 years. In case the trademark registration is nearing the expiry date, you can always get it re-registered for another ten years.

Trademark symbols and their usages
• R Symbol: Once a trademark is registered, then the applicant can start using the ® symbol to signify that the trademark is registered and protected from infringement under the Trademark laws.
• ™ Symbol: The ™ symbol is for unregistered trademarks for which the application has been filed. The TM symbol is thus used to indicate that a trademark application exists with respect to the trademark.
• SM Symbol: The ‘SM’ or Service Mark symbol is used for the service industry, specifically for service mark applications The SM symbol is used for applications that are filed under class 35-45.

Why is Trademark Registration important in India?
• As you sold your product/service under a registered trademark, it creates a great Business Opportunity. It helps businesses to create trust, reliability, quality, and goodwill in the minds of customers.
• Provides legal protection of your logo, brand name, or slogan.
• Give your product/service a unique identity among the rest.
• It can be a valuable asset in case your brand creates a name and succeeds.
• Global Filing of Trademark

Give your brand name a unique identity with the registration of the Trademark at We help you with online registration of the trademark in India at a very affordable and reliable price. To know how to get Trademark Registration to call us on +91-9999347181 or you can mail us at

Choose Your Package


6199/-(All Inclusive)
Easy EMI's
Transparent Pricing
Trademark Application (1 Application 1 Class Small Enterprise)


7699/-(All Inclusive)
Easy EMI's
Transparent Pricing
Trademark Application (1 Application 1 Class Small Enterprise)
SSI/MSME Registration

Trademark Registration Advantages

Legal Protection

Unique Identity

Creation of Asset

Trust & Goodwill

Popularize Your Brand

Global Trademark

Essential Documents for Trademark Registration

  • Applicant’s name
  • Business type
  • Business objectives
  • Brand/logo/slogan name
  • Registration address

Process to Register Trademark

Step 1

Complete a simple checklist and take a search to finalize a class.

Step 2

Submit the documents

Step 3

Application for Trademark Registration.

Step 4

Start using TM

Fill Simple Checklist

A compliance manager will get in touch with you to collect your documents along with a simple checklist. You need to fill up that checklist and submit along with your documents for verification. Our team of experts will verify the documents provided by you and take the procedure further. The compliance manager dedicated to you will keep you updated on the progress of Company Registration throughout the process.

Name Approval

Once your documents along with Checklist are submitted, we shall proceed with the application of your Digital Signature and subsequently the approval of name for your Private Limited Company. You may suggest up to three names of your choice. Names should be unique and suggestive of the Company’s business. We will proceed with application for name for your Private Limited Company in Part A of SPICe Plus form.


We will draft the MOA (Memorandum of association) and AOA (Articles of association). We will file the incorporation documents with MCA through in part B of a form called “SPICe Plus (SPICe +)” along with the subscription statement. Usually, MCA approves the forms within 4-5 days once filed and issues Incorporation Certificate with CIN. PAN & TAN are allotted alongside. You may then proceed to open your Company Bank Account.

FAQs on Trademark Registration